Second life to revamp his original
Second life to revamp his original

second life to revamp his original

Some sims within Second Life have voice "disabled," meaning that it cannot be used there. People within Second Life are sharply divided over the use of voice: while many use it regularly (including those whom disabilities may prevent from typing), others despise it.

second life to revamp his original

Voice - You can use a microphone and headset in Second Life to speak directly to people within "chat range" it is also sometimes employed in "private" mode, where it functions as a form of aural IM.There are also "group" IMs, which communicate via IM to everyone in-world who belongs to a particular group. Most importantly, however, IMs are private: they cannot be "overheard" by anyone else. IMs usually occur only between two people you also need not be in "range" of each other (i.e., you can IM someone anywhere within SL, regardless of your own location). Instant Messaging (IM) - This closely resembles public Chat, but with some differences.Public "Chat" - This is text chat, and works essentially the same way as communication in an online "chat room." To "hear" public chat, you must be within "range" of the avatar(s) speaking, which is usually about 20 metres.There are four basic forms of communication in Second Life. To land (i.e., stop flying), you can click the same button at the bottom left that got you up in the first place (this button will now read "Stop Flying"), or press the "Page Down" key on your keyboard until you hit the ground (hopefully not too hard). To fly higher, press the "Page Up" button to lose altitude, press the "Page Down" key. To move once in the air, use the "arrow" keys, as noted above. To fly in Second Life, you can do one of two things.ġ) Click the "Fly" button at the bottom left of your screen.Ģ) Press the "Home" button on your keyboard.

second life to revamp his original

(There is an on-screen control available, but this is awkward and silly: you are well-advised to simpy close it.) The "up" key will move you forward, the "down" key will move you backward, and the "left" and "right" keys will turn your avatar. Moving your avatar in Second Life, whether you are walking, flying (yes, you can fly in Second Life!), or operating a vehicle, almost invariably involves using the "arrow keys" on your keyboard. This is simple to do, and Apple itself provides instructions here on reconfiguration, or using "right-click" with only one mouse button: Some older Macs use a one-button mouse others may need to have their mice (mouses?) reconfigured to enable right-clicking.


It is by no means exhaustive, and should be supplemented by Second Life's own PDF " Quickstart Guide" if you want more functionality, but what appears below will provide you with the basics to necessary to not seem like an utterly pathetic noob.Ī great deal of your interaction with your environment within Second Life will involve "right-clicking" your mouse. This page provides some basic instructions for getting around and doing things with in Second Life.

Second life to revamp his original