Lights Please: Easily use magical lighting spells without disarming.Blink Teleport: Amazingly powerful and fun! Blip to anywhere in the blink of an eye.Renamer: Easily rename objects, equipment, containers, people, creatures, horses, pets, player homes, and just about anything.Positioner: The decorator's most powerful tool to accurately and easily move/copy/scale any object in-game.Need furnishings? Check out the Lance's Show Room [companion mod.

Keywords: grab, decorate, mount, place objects, static, lock, position, copy, scale, resize See the change log for a list of all improvements. Objects that have been positioned will not revert. Positioner adds no scripts to the objects it manipulates, so Positioner can be cleanly uninstalled at any time.All Positioner keyboard assignments can be easily changed to avoid conflicts.Positioner is not known to conflict with any other mod.It can even learn new objects introduced to the game and manipulate them. Positioner is fully compatible with DLC and 3rd party mods.99% of all user problems are due to missing or out of date SKSE.
Please DO NOT install this mod if you don't know what SKSE is or don't have SKSE 1.7.1 correctly installed. Capture friends, foes and corpses to inventory, which resurrect when dropped.People have found some hilarious uses for Positioner that we never intended: "Absolutely amazing mod, i have no idea how i did without this before.".I have no idea how I decorated homes without such a beautiful creation, those were dark times indeed." I have spent many MANY hours using the console to decorate so this mod is a dream come true XD" This mod is so logical and unintrusive that it seems like it's from Bethesda itself.